Heute: 18
Gestern: 30
Insgesamt: 4272

Listen to your Heart

Don’t follow your mind,
‘cause your mind is wrong
and it keeps wrong.
Don’t follow your mind,
‘cause it cheats you
all the time.

Just listen to your heart,
‘cause your heart has got all the right answers!
Just listen to your heart,
‘cause God can speaks to it.

Don’t follow the greed
for might, for money or for sex.
Don’t follow the greed.
Bethink of the essential.

Just listen to your heart,
‘cause your heart has got all the right answers!
Just listen to your heart,
‘cause God can speaks to it.

Just listen to your heart!
Just listen to your heart!
Just listen to your heart…everyone!
Just listen to your heart!
Just listen to your heart!
Just listen to your heart…oh, my baby!

Just listen to your heart,
‘cause your heart has got all the right answers!
Just listen to your heart,
‘cause God can speaks to it.